Alongside Megumi Fushguro and Yuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisaki (voiced by Asami Seto and Anne Yatco) is a first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High in the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. She becomes a fearsome sorcerer and is determined to stay true to herself under the tutelage of Satoru Gojo. In a long bob, she had a short ginger haircut; paired with a loafer and dark tight jeans she wear a navy blue school uniform. Hammer with a heart on it is the primary weaponry of Nobara and the nail imbues with cursed energy. To perform exorcism she sometimes needs to use a straw doll. Collect all the accessories of the Nobara Kugisaki costume from Jujutsu Kaisen for Halloween and cosplay.