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In the Jujutsu Kaisen, Sotoru Gojo is a main protagonist. He is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. His mission is to match with the power he has and fosters new generation sorcerers through education to jujutsu world. Gojo manga is familiar as a fast fighter because of his incredible speed. Gojo Satoru anime can manipulate cursed energy like Yuji. Inherited a trait in the Gojo family he also manipulate the space. Collect all the accessories of the Sotoro Gojo costume from Jujutsu Kaisen.

  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo Spiky White Wig
  2. JJK Manga Black Blindfold
  3. Gojo Kaisen Men's Navy Blue Nehru Turtleneck Jacket
  4. Gojo Jujutsu Men's Navy Blue Dress Pants
  5. JJK Anime Black Oxford Dress Shoes