The famous Torch Lady logo of Columbia Pictures has featured a woman holding a torch since 1928. The modern version, which showcases her draped in a blue cloth rather than a flag, is inspired by a photograph taken by Kathy Anderson in 1991, featuring model Jenny Johnson. In the original shot, Jenny wore a white sheet, carefully pinned to create the effect. To recreate this iconic look for your costume, opt for a flowing sleeveless dress with a V-neck and sandals to capture the Greek-inspired essence of Columbia's enduring logo. Complete the ensemble with a curly wig, a long blue scarf over your left arm, and a glowing torch raised high in your right hand. Collect all the accessories of the Torch Lady costume (Columbia Pictures Logo) for Halloween and cosplay.
- Light Up Torch Prop
- Curly Brown Wig
- Columbia Pictures costume White V-Neck Sleeveless Dress
- Columbia Pictures Lady costume Medium Blue Wrap
- Greek Sandals