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The famous Torch Lady logo of Columbia Pictures has featured a woman holding a torch since 1928. The modern version, which showcases her draped in a blue cloth rather than a flag, is inspired by a photograph taken by Kathy Anderson in 1991, featuring model Jenny Johnson. In the original shot, Jenny wore a white sheet, carefully pinned to create the effect. To recreate this iconic look for your costume, opt for a flowing sleeveless dress with a V-neck and sandals to capture the Greek-inspired essence of Columbia's enduring logo. Complete the ensemble with a curly wig, a long blue scarf over your left arm, and a glowing torch raised high in your right hand. Collect all the accessories of the Torch Lady costume (Columbia Pictures Logo) for Halloween and cosplay. 

  1. Light Up Torch Prop
  2. Curly Brown Wig
  3. Columbia Pictures costume White V-Neck Sleeveless Dress
  4. Columbia Pictures Lady costume Medium Blue Wrap
  5. Greek Sandals